"The graphic album 2 Viaxes , published by Xaquín Marín and Reimundo Patiño in 1975, represents the start of the desired band in Galicia . For the pioneers, they had an adventure that stands out for their originality and avant-garde nidia vontade. They formed an effective artistic tandem. Now, almost 50 years after that founding impulse in a desired band, we have the opportunity, thanks to Fosfatina Ediciones and more to Editorial Elvira, from ternas nosas mans de novo this wonder.
2 Viaxes are two independent visual stories , each one with its own unique graphic design but with hidden points of contact that reflect the dreams and countercultural dreams of the daquela youth. Hoxe overwhelmed in a world of uncertainty, the inconveniences of these vignettes have led to a dialogue with new xerations." - Antón Patiño.
Authors: Xaquín Marín and Reimundo Patiño
Pages: 128
Language: Galician
Format: 22 x 31 cm
Binding: Softcover